440 yard dash high school record

440 Yd. JOHNSON DOSS - - WLL IN JUMPS. Class History The first IESA state track meet for boys was held in Wenona in 1932 with 28 schools attending. from the date of performance.". Relay West, first, with Braden. 10T feet; Merrill. ' This system of counting" makes the races in which there are many entries count more than the field events. Shana Woods first; Oorllnskl, Raat, second; Braden, West, third; Johnaon, Richfield., Rich-field., fourth. He talked about the NFL Draft in KC and possibly playing for the Chiefs. Records | Michigan High School Athletic Association 24.2, Jasmine Lee 23.3, Shana Woods 23.4. Valley high, fourth Rowe, Spanish Pork, fifth. Athletic Association Board of Control. fourth; Cannon, Can-non, Log-an. .. .. 4 7 Valley High 0 1 7 Minekl.y 3 .. ( f Careen . 2 1 4 ., 7 aaeaWae. The school will then be contacted to verify the information. 0000085821 00000 n .21 4-g , 220-yard daeh, third heat Johnson, John-son, Rich Held, first i-Gorlln-ki. 5 Saginaw, Lower Peninsula (1945-49) 4 Pontiac, Lower Peninsula (1955-58) 6 East Grand Rapids (1940, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1958) by the National Federation of High School Associations and adopted by the Ohio High School All times listed in hundredths are clocked FAT (fully automated timing); times listed in tenths are hand times and have been moved up (per rule) to the next highest tenth. 10 Flint Beecher (1976, 1977, 1978-shared, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992) They were very sure of themselves, and they backed it up.. Texas Southern had also tied the record that season, so four teams were credited with 39.6 clockings. Scotch Plains-Fanwood 0:13.7 1976 400 Meter Inter. Girls 100 meter Dash Trials Boys 100 meter Dash Trials 4. NR = National record. 6 Kingsford (1963, 1979, 1983, 1989-shared, 1990, 2014) . 6 Gladstone, Upper Peninsula (2004-09) For sheer excitement, there was nothing like the relay, said Vern Wolfe, USCs coach then. High Jump Long Jump Pole Vault Discus UHSAA Track & Field State Records 6/7/2022. 3 Flint Michigan School for the Deaf, Lower Peninsula (1961-63) His school record of 10.04 seconds in the 100 meters, set in 1968, lasted for 12 years until it was broken by James Sanford with a time of 10.02. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Houts. History. the 100 meter dash with a time of 9.3 seconds. Lawrence P. Jeffers, accomplished athlete | Cape Gazette Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. 1600m Wheelchair Final on Time 3. The Trojans broke the logjam June 10 at the San Diego Invitational with a time of 39 seconds. Gallagher. I knew if they got their passes down, it wouldnt be a contest because they were a far superior team, Bush said. 6 Crystal Falls Forest Park (1979, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2009, 2010) Johnson also did well la tha broad jump, making ll feet Inch. meet with a mark of 9.46 seconds and had personal best times at USC I was coming off an injury and had a two-week layoff, he said. No fifth man finished. The USC-led analysis of genetic data fills an urgent research gap for a population that faces a higher risk of prostate cancer than white men. --Keith Mushat (Brewbaker)--49.13--1990 Prelim, --Mike Abercrombie (W. A. Berry)--4:32.32-1984, --Daniel Blacksher (St. Paul s)-168' 10"--1984, --Timothy Lambert ( Athens Bible), 1976, & John Glen ( Leeds), 1988;--6' 6" (Tie), --Daniel Blacksher ( St. Paul s)-61' 11 1/, --Harry Moon ( Birmingham University School )-13' 1"--1967, --Tom Huey (Birmingham University School)-20.3--1968, --Terry Soles ( Geneva )-22.25 (FAT)--1988, David Richardson (Springville)-40.5--1982, --Maurice Holt (St. Paul s Episcopal)-47.5-1984, --Milton Bresler (Birmingham University School)-49.1-1968, (tie) 1:58.60 Maurice Holt ( St. Paul s)--1984 & Alex Parkman (St. Paul's), Armstead (Cherokee Vocational)--1:58.0--1974, Alex Parkman (St. Paul s Episcopal)--4:30.8-1987, --Coleman Spalding (John Carrol)--9:33.4-1972, AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association, Athletic Directors and Coaches Association. Time, 4.12, A new state record, the former record of 417 1-ft being; held by Brown of , the B. T. I. blah achool since ill. . Women's 60m Hurdles Prelim Heat 1 - South Atlantic SAC Ind. Kuller finished fourth in the 100-yard dash in the 1967 NCAA meet with a mark of 9.46 seconds and had personal best times at USC of 9.3 in the 100 and 20.7 in the 220. D. S. U., eecond; Rowe, Bpantsb Fork, third. While experimenting, USC lost to UCLA in the 1967 dual meet, the Bruins tying the world record of 39.6 set by Southern University in 1966. He was ranked among the top three in the world in the 100-meter dash for three straight years (1967-69), then went on to win a 100m bronze in the 1972 Munich Olympics. The loss, however, probably served as an incentive to USC. Men's 1 Mile Section 3 - Ken Shannon Last Chance Invitatio. Today is the 20th anniversary of their record-shattering feat, a world-record time. He set the Boston College record in the 440-yard dash with a 46.4 clocking and broke the school's 220-yard mark with a 20.8-second performance in 1968. Parowan. 0000004622 00000 n While these records have been compiled for over 100 years, there are varying standards for these records. lem heaved tha shot 44 feet ll kacbea, which is seven Inch, a over the former atata record made br Bill Cox of Oaden High laat year. 6.73/22-1, 14.18/46-61/4, 1.93/6-4, 52.3 [3765]. 3 Paw Paw, Lower Peninsula (1934-36), Xavier Parnell, Quinn Parnell, Esau Davis, Dana Dixon, Christian Petre, Miles LeViere, Monte Petre, Andre Smith, David Grimes, Taurian Washington, Cortez Smith, Anthony Bowman, Andy Bunnell, Rod Whittington, Chuck Phillips, Ken Thompson, Wesley Jones, Rodney Turrentine, Mark Lewis, Ghassan Ramadan, Joseph Corbett, Kinzel Forrest, Ethan Sheard, Chris Howie, Keith Thompson, Michael Gatson, Robert Hall, Robert Willheight, Cole Peterson, Dylan Tengesdahl, Paul Deyeart, Wes Jacobson, John Paramski, Jeff Rahilly, Andre James, Brandon Christensen, Trenton Naser, Lane Gorzinski, Elijah Gorzinski, Luke Gorzinski, Matt Gibson, Matt Flaminio, Tim Casari, Eric Casillas, Rudy Nyman, Mark Ouelette, Bryan Ross, Dan Perry, Pat Hebert, Ed Moberg, Lewis Sawicky, Tom Michaels, Stephan Bracey, Jacobie Welch, AJ Jeffries, Khance Meyers, Richard Bowens, Shermond Dabney, Kahlee Hamler, Ky'Ren Cunningham, Chris Rucker, Erik Williams, Jonas Gray, Martin Corniffe, Jose Kiocannon, Jason Smith, DeJuan Kea, Darryl Anglin, William Brooks, Jim Krol, Edzra Gibson, Chris Polk, Dwight Tyson, Kinzel Forrest, Erik Frederick, Chris Howie, Sean Jones, Michael Gatson, Kevin Carter, Robert Willhight, Erik Kliesner, Dylan Tengesdahl, Paul Deyeart, Wes Jacobson, Anthony Lester, Robby Robinson, Evan Everson, Caleb Litzner, Cory Williams, Jake Gobert, Luke Maulding, Steve Koski, Craig Leitzke, Alex Barker, Marty Hynnek, Chris Hofer, John Komaromy, Mike Blodgett, Mark Mazzon, Jim Manchester, Marc Fochesato, Brian Hilsabeck, Dale Miller, Jeff Poquette, Kyle Bergquist, Peter O'Brien, Tony Parcels, Dan Goodman, Dan Johnson, Kevin Scheibert, Jacab Ham, Jacob Wenzlick, Lonelle Langston, Nolen Bright-Mitchell, Chase Hinkle, Zach Hudson, Robert Adams, David Norman, Raphael Johnson, Marco West, Tony Triggs, Courtney Hawkins, Aaron McFadden, Stacy Watson, Darren Warner, James Fuller, Cloyde Tiller, Darryl Carter, Lebron Campbell, Darren Warner, Garfield Lemonious, Greg Henderson, Jeremy Sergey, Chris Peterson, Jordan Divine, Pete Tuccini, Jim Miller, Matt Mcnamara, Eric Rocker, Dan Hiltunen, Conner Bryant, Luke Gustafson, Cameron Willemsen, Austin Wicklund, Brian Healey, Dan Atkins, Chris Nelson, Keith Collins, Darryl Petrusha, Jim Kivisto, Jim Estola, Mike McPherson, Jamie Leach, Glenn Wandrie, Paul Freebury, Roger Bock, Scott Binder, Dan Cramer, Matt Cramer, John Groendyke, David Ash, Tyler Sharp, Dan Nix, Chris Pankow, Ethan Mabry, Colby Conklin, Aaron Tait, Kyle Tait, Derek Bork, Matt Schroeder, Chris Brown, Tim Pitcher, Ben Watson, Lars Petzke, M. Mandarino, M. Hutchinson, Dana DeWitt, Mike Simon, Mike Price, Kent Gartside, Pat Butler, John Calo, Mark Lucas, Kyle Lindley, Joe Graci, Jamison Cihak, Conrad Esslin, Evan Milton, Mike McPherson, Alan Peterson, John Jacisin, Dominic Beckman, Tim Rowe, Cade Mazzon, Isaiah Aili, Brayden Tomes, Patrick Boone, Tom Brown, Ty Shesky, Robin Martin, Peter Allen, Bill John, Marcotte Harvala, Moore Carter, Ed Folkersma, Shawn Ostrander, Terin Salo, Gabett Cornwell, Submitted by a MHSAA member school athletic administrator on official office letterhead, or by using the. 7 East Kentwood (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018) Uinta, 10ft feet; Metos. Beekwlth raa away from all men la the final of tbe izt-rant da eh. 6 Detroit Lutheran West (1961, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1988, 1989) 3 Calumet, Upper Peninsula (1997-99) The Trojans also tied the world record of 39.6 on June 2 at the Coliseum-Compton Invitational. Don Domansky and Tom Jones muffed the pass on the second to third legs. Submitted by a media member on official office letterhead, enclosing appropriate documentation. 220-yard burdlea, third heat Utter, West, first; 'Johnson, Monroe, sec- and. Simpson had to regain his sprinting legs after spring football practice, and the team had to improve its baton passing. 55.7, DeShanta Harris 55.6, Jasmine Lee 52.6. 0000007913 00000 n SHOT PUT Will not start until either Girls Javelin or Boys Discus is finished. 0000004921 00000 n 0000003593 00000 n Monroe, firat; Burton. Although Al-though Curtis af Clntah won tha dla-cua dla-cua Uaa with a dlaianee of 101 feet, be did not aooae anywhere near the mark of 124 faetv which he la said to have ana da In pre M lee la bis home town. 9. 11 Crsnita I t .. .. .. S 10 Ogden .. .. - .. S . 4 .. .. 0 Parewan 4 . . t 1 7 L. D. . at i-ft. 220-yard daeh. 0000057981 00000 n 4:28.8 1981 3200 Meter Run Sarah Disanza, High Point 10:15.02 2013, 3000 Meter Run Meg Waldron, Bernards 9:58.6 1981 100 Meter High (33") Hurdles Dawn Bowles, Neptune 0:13.33 1988, 100 Yard 30" Hurdles Darlene Grant, Overbrook 0:13.5 1979 100 Meter 30" Hurdles Carol Lewis, Willingboro 0:14.1 1980 400 Meter Low Hurdles Amber Allen, Passaic Tech 0:58.44 2009 4 x 100 Meter Relay Columbia 0:46.87 2010 (Kelsey Jackson, Jasmine Carter Amber Ballew, Whitney Jackson) 4 x 100 Yard Relay Camden 0:47.4 1978 4 x 400 Meter Relay Columbia 3:42.54 2010 (Brittney Jackson, Ty-Vonna Johnson Kayann Richards, Kelsey Jackson) 4 x 800 Meter Relay Freehold Township 9:10.69 2013 (Adrian Vitello, Caitlyn Pose Abigail Faith, Emily Bracher) Shot Put (4k) DeAnne Hahn, Brick Township 47' 06.00" 2007 Shot Put (8lb) Neki Figg, Highland Regional 45' 06.00" 1979 Discus Jess Woodard, Cherokee 161' 01.00" 2013 #Javellin Nia Barnes, West Orange 154' 11.00 2011 Javelin Amy Krilla, Red Bank Catholic 159' 08.00" 2000 High Jump Tish Edwards, Mater Dei 5' 10.00" 1981 Debra Vento, Freehold Boro 5' 10.00" 2002 Fiona Paladino, Montgomery 5' 10.00" 2010 Long Jump Carol Lewis, Willingboro 20' 11.00" 1980 Triple Jump Keturah Orji, Mount Oliver 42' 06.50" 2013 Pole Vault Nicole Pompei, Hanover Park 12' 06.00 2008 Emily Urciuoli, Clifton 12' 06.00" 2009 Kelly Burke, Cranford 12' 06.00"` 2010 # In 2003 National Federation of High School Associations and the State of New Jersey adopted the college javelin, which was different enough from the high school javelin to warrant keeping new records for the implement. Its in the top three and I dont remember the other two., Said Matsuda: They had a great relay race in Baton Rouge (at the NCAA meet) recently, but our guys would have won that race. bring webi to all your computers and it be sweet. 0000008027 00000 n 8 Rapid River (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2016, 2017) mile with five polota bat tig- given the wlnnera of each. POLE VAULT GIRLS 2. Height, ft feet, 1. inch; Broad Jump JoTineoa, Kanab, first; Rowe, Spaniah Pork, aecond; Pacer, Box elder, third; Williams, Monroe, fourth; Otto. 7.42/24-4.5 (+2.3), 15.21/49-11, 2.15/7-0.5, 49.66, 10.9, ,.' 27 Pickford, Upper Peninsula (1952-78) 100 meter Wheelchair Final on Time 12. In 1967, the USC 440-yard relay team set a world record with a time of 38.6 seconds in winning the NCAA title. I remember that dayno fancy uniforms or Nike shoesjust a group of young people competing. Appropriate documentation shall include, but is not limited to, the following: copies of scorebooks or game/season statistical summaries, copies of yearbooks, and copies of newspaper clippings. Dirk Lakeman We didnt waste any time, though. 800m Wheelchair Final on Time 14. Budge, Jonee, and Kennedy. . [1] Me-tos. The list of United States high-school national records in track and field is separated by indoor and outdoor and boys and girls who have set a national record in their respective events. IBS feet ft Inches; Lee, Monroe, secoad. Eric Taylor-Perry of Montclair set the still standing Meet of Champions high jump record of 7-2 in 1990 (Photo by Lisa Bauso). 0000003684 00000 n Meet Records <<2DAF5EDA12649C44BC9242AC344011F8>]/Prev 291396>> Time, :1t 2-1. Spaniah Pork, Mret; Beutler, Richrteld.

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