effect of microwave on human body ppt

To determine the specific dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, more intensive studies must be performed. Qiao et al. Microwave radiation can induce oxidative and nitrosative stress, which lead to hippocampal neuronal and non-neuronal apoptosis via the oxidative damage of cellular constituents (i.e., nucleic acids, proteins and lipids) and subsequent over expression of p53, which up-regulates Bax and down-regulates pro-caspase-3 and full-length/uncleaved poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) 1, eventually inducing neuronal degeneration via apoptosis [76]. Schmid MR, Murbach M, Lustenberger C, Maire M, Kuster N, Achermann P, et al. 1994;10:13548. Thus, the committee suggested that in the future, studies should explore the border between thermal and non-thermal effects and that specific effects, such as triggering the onset of thermoregulatory reactions, should be defined. [61] found that after pregnant rats were irradiated with 9.417GHz microwaves, the behavior of their offspring differed, and the outcome was sex-dependent. After exposure to microwave irradiation (an average power density of 30mW/m2 for 5min/d on five days a week for two consecutive months), the expression of NR2B was decreased in rats, the level of Glu was increased in the hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid, spatial memory ability was decreased among rats with the TT genotype, and there was no change in the CC type and TC type animals. frequency range from 1GHz to 10^6 GHz. Lai H, Horita A, Guy AW. 2002;64:31353. Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation - Overview | Occupational Safety Behav Brain Res. With the popularity of microwave technology, microwave effects on the human body have become a common topic of concern, and the central nervous system is recognized as a target organ system that is sensitive to microwave radiation. Lee TM, Ho SM, Tsang LY, Yang SY, Li LS, Chan CC. CAS CAS 2006;27:295306. The authors detected the EEG within the frequency bands of 0.530.0Hz for 5 consecutive days. Symptoms included headache, paresthesia, diarrhea, malaise and lassitude. The interaction of microwaves with matter other than metallic conductors will be to rotate molecules and produce heat as result of that molecular motion. PubMed Central The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. With the increasing number of applications that use microwave technology, its negative effects on the human body have attracted attention. Microwaves Technology : Basics, Effetcs & Its Applications - ElProCus Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. Of these, five rats were repeatedly exposed to extremely low-frequency microwaves (915MHz; pulse width, 20ms; average power density, 0.3mW/cm2; repetition frequency, 4.0Hz; intermittently for 1min, On for 1min, and Off for 10min; SAR, 0.7mW/g) and 5 were in the sham group. Xu et al. Sage C, Carpenter D, Hardell L. Comments on SCENIHR: opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. 2013;32:27380. Johnson OL, Ouimet CC. 2010;28:445. Lai et al. Narayanan SN, Kumar RS, Potu BK, Nayak S, Mailankot M. Spatial memory perfomance of wistar rats exposed to mobile phone. Wang LF, Tian DW, Li HJ, Gao YB, Wang CZ, Zhao L, et al. Gold PE. Impairment of long-term potentiation induction is essential for the disruption of spatial memory after microwave exposure. Mack A, Georg T, Kreis P, Eickholt BJ. Thus, these results suggest that the 2.4W/kg GSM 1800MHz microwaves may reduce excitatory synaptic activity and the number of excitatory synapses in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Bioelectromagnetics. This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. 1999;4:102. 2004;25:4957. [16] investigated workers who worked at a television transmitter station with a frequency ranging between 202 and 209MHz, 694701MHz, 750757MHz, or 774781MHz and at a medium-wave broadcasting station. However, impaired learning and memory were only observed in males. However, there was no change in the frequency of AMPA mEPSCs or the amplitudes of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) mEPSCs. Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation - Health Effects | Occupational Chin J Indus Hyg. 1994;8:714. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). It is widely accepted that protein synthesis occurs in neuronal dendrites and may be the cellular basis of learning and memory, during which local protein synthesis and synaptic plasticity are closely linked to the efficiency of communication between neurons. Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study. In the lower SAR group, the , 1 and 2 bands were affected in the three subjects. as it have a harmful side. PDF Interactions of Electromagnetic Waves with Biological Tissue - EMR Aware The frequencies of these devices are listed in Table1. We should ensure that we avoid excessive exposure to microwave radiation in daily life activities and use mobile phones appropriately despite information about its positive effects. Terms and Conditions, Interphone study group. CAS Lnn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M. Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk. [15] assessed the use of mobile and cordless phones in 347 cases of melanoma in the head and neck region and 1184 controls and found no increased risk. Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study. In summary, there is evidence that microwave radiation can lead to alterations in protein synthesis or protein modifications; however, the results are controversial. 2015;91:30611. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. Li H, Li C. Apoptosis gene expression and their relationship to mtDNA mutation in tumor tissues of gynecologic oncology patients. Bioelectromagnetics. Bioelectromagnetics. Effect on human attention of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic. Xiong et al. 2003;80:177. biological effects of electromagnetic waves started to be discussed. Othman et al. Mosconi L, Tsui WH, Rusinek H, De Santi S, Li Y, Wang GJ, et al. Richter et al. Handheld cellular telephone use and risk of brain cancer. Int J Radiat Biol. Radiat Res. Bioelectromagnetics. Cell Biochem Biophys. In contrast, a central injection of a glucose carrier inhibitor induced injury to memories [110]. Concurrently, the discovery that microwaves have positive biological effects has presented new challenges for research and applications in this field. Szmigielski [23] collected retrospective data for Polish soldiers over 15years and showed that the prevalence of brain cancer was higher in each age group. Suhhova A, Bachmann M, Karai D, Lass J, Hinrikus H. Effect of microwave radiation on human EEG at two different levels of exposure. 2017;38:106976. EEG is often used as a tool to diagnose Alzheimers disease [48]. Most matter, including the human body, is largely . Raised glucose levels enhance scopolamine-induced acetylcholine overflow from the hippocampus: an in vivo microdialysis study in the rat. 2012;3:3440. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. However, with its popularization, increasing attention has been paid to its influence on humans. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed recent studies that have explored the effects of microwave radiation on the brain, especially the hippocampus, including analyses of epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction. Frequency Fields (RF) and Microwave Radiation on human health" by the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE) from 2001, with respect . Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 1999;9:3438. 2016;53:210011. Functional plasticity is affected in other ways, including the abnormal release and uptake of brain amino acids such as choline and monoamine neurotransmitters, a decrease in excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitudes and spikes in long-term potentiating (LTP) in the medial perforated pathway (MPP) in the dentate gyrus (DG) [27]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. A resting eyes-closed electroencephalogram was used to continuously record the results, which showed that there was an increase in the power of the , 1 and 2 frequency bands in the 0.303W/kg group and in the 2 frequency bands in the 0.003W/kg group. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health - PubMed Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats your food. Dasdag S, Bilgin H, Akdag M, Celik H, Aksen F. Effect of long term mobile phone exposure on oxidative-antioxidative processes and nitric oxide in rats. Role of distinct NMDA receptor subtypes at central synapses. The article's subject is the investigation of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of the microwave frequency band in a typical human living environment, especially in shielded areas. So foods which have high water content can be very easily cooked like fresh vegetables. 1984;5:6370. 2015;148:150. Ellis CE, Murphy EJ, Mitchell DC, Golovko MY, Scaglia F, Barcel-Coblijn GC, et al. Pathophysiology. The biological effects of RF energy are proportional to the rate of ener-gy absorption, and the level of absorption varies little with fre-quency. Xu S, Ning W, Xu Z, Zhou S, Chiang H, Luo J. Ozben T. Oxidative stress and apoptosis: impact on cancer therapy. Electromagn Biol Med. Calabr E, Condello S, Curr M, Ferlazzo N, Caccamo D, Magaz S, et al. Kesari KK, Behari J. Fifty-gigahertz microwave exposure effect of radiations on rat brain. In the rat hippocampus, glucose uptake plays an important role in spatial learning and memory processes. Neurobiol Learn Mem. However, these experimental results remain to be supported in repeated experiments [40,41,42]. [63] exposed rat hippocampal neurons to microwaves (SAR values of 0.8W/kg and 2.4W/kg at an average power density of 1800MHz/d) and observed the formation of dendritic filopodial and dendritic branches and the maturation of dendritic spines in neurons from day 6 to 14. Shahin S, Banerjee S, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. (PDF) Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health. Mitochondrial lipid abnormality and electron transport chain impairment in mice lacking -synuclein. In broadcasting, the sources of microwaves are mainly FM radio and TV broadcasting antennas, which produce frequencies ranging from 80 to 800MHz. Previous studies have shown that in unexposed control rats, hippocampal neurons are aligned in neat rows in which the edges are clear, nuclei are clear, nucleoli can be observed, and pyramidal cells do not exhibit obvious necrosis. Calabr E, Magaz S. Inspections of mobile phone microwaves effects on proteins secondary structure by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. PDF Electromagnetic Waves and Human Health - IntechOpen Alterations of cognitive function and 5-HT system in rats after long term microwave exposure. PLoS One. Curr Opin Neurobiol. CAS [102] exposed rats to 9.15MHz microwaves (SAR: 0.4mW/g) for 2h. They found that in the cerebellum of all the exposed animals, 11 genes were up-regulated from 1.34- to 2.74-fold, and one gene was down-regulated 0.48-fold. Aydin D, Feychting M, Schz J, Andersen TV, Poulsen AH, Prochazka M, et al. Acetylcholine: cognitive and brain functions. [97] found that long-term exposure to 900MHz radiation decreased the level of rno-miR107and that the whole body (rms) SAR value was 0.0369W/kg, bridging the gap in the interaction between radio frequency radiation (FR) and miRNAs. Motawi TK, Darwish HA, Moustafa YM, Labib MM. Vorobyov V, Janac B, Pesic V, Prolic Z. [14] found that gliomas are not preferentially located in the parts of the brain with the highest exposure. 2009;4:e4389. Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves affects cortex-hypothalamus interplay in freely moving rats: EEG study. While microwave oven radiation doesn't cause cancer, it can cause painful burns if you're exposed to them. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. Wang et al. Cordless phone in power levels very high and microwave frequency level also high. Dasdag S, Balci K, Ayyildiz M, Celik M, Tekes S, Kaplan A. This study also revealed the dose-dependent relationship of the modulated microwave effect: decreasing the SAR 100-fold reduced the associated changes in the EEG by three- to six-fold and decreased the number of affected subjects but did not completely eliminate the effects. 2003;14:2436. 2010;39:67594. Describes the health effects on six men exposed to high levels of RF radiation (100 MHz) while working on transmission masts. PubMed Central Most of the workers recovered when they left the source of microwave radiation. It has been proposed that by enhancing the functions of acetylcholine, glucose can increase the concentration of free calcium ions in the synapse to reverse microwave-induced damage to learning and memory. 2001;12:72931. In the CNS, glutamic acid binds and plays physiological roles with the following two receptors: ionotropic glutamate and metabolic glutamate. Zhao et al. The transduction of a nerve impulse and the postsynaptic potential produced by it result in synaptic transmission. Neuroreport. Kwon et al. Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation. A large number of studies have shown that microwave radiation can cause a series of adverse reactions in the central nervous system, including sleep disorders in addition to learning and memory impairments. Dasdag et al. 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Based on this background, in this review, we first summarized the effects of microwave radiation on the central nervous system, including the epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and mechanisms of underlying brain dysfunction from the perspective of synaptic structures and functions, oxidative stress and apoptosis, protein synthesis, genes and individual susceptibility and energy metabolism. Eliyahu I, Luria R, Hareuveny R, Margaliot M, Meiran N, Shani G. Effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellular telephones on the cognitive functions of humans. Wang et al. Xu et al. 2012;62:22336. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). Evaluation of Psychologic parameters in people occupationally exposed to radiofrequencies and microwave. Biomed Environ Sci. Muscat JE, Malkin MG, Thompson S, Shore RE, Stellman SD, McRee D, et al. Cobb BL, Jauchem JR, Adair ER. Human SH-SY5YNB cells were exposed to 2.1GHz W-CDMA modulated microwave radiation for 24h at a specific absorption rate of 0.491W/kg. 2004;23:20114. Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation - tandfonline.com The results showed that 2.1GHz W-CDMA-modulated microwave radiation did not cause apoptotic cell death but altered cell cycle progression [79]. The results demonstrated the ability of electric magnetic field (EMF) to influence plasma melatonin and serotonin concentrations in radar workers. Fragopoulou et al. PubMed The results of this study showed that chronic exposure to Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves might impair both unimodal and cross-modal encoding of information. Baer C, Claus R, Plass C. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation of miRNAs in cancer. 2015;56:2618. Neuroreport. 2011;174:211. static fields, health effects, human health, environmental effects, SCENIHR, Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks Opinion to be cited as: Research continues on possible biological effects of exposure to RF/MW radiation from radios, cellular phones, the processing and cooking of foods, heat . 2007;27:6024. Abnormality of synaptic vesicular associated proteins in cerebral cortex and hippocampus after microwave exposure. Int J Radiat Biol. Hippocampal acetylcholine release during memory testing in rats: augmentation by glucose. Zhang Y, Li Z, Gao Y. Kan P, Simonsen SE, Lyon JL, Kestle JR. Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis. 2006;27:11926. Merola P, Marino C, Lovisolo G, Pinto R, Laconi C, Negroni A. Electromagn Biol Med. J Sleep Res. It addresses the impact on developing head and brain tumours, other morbidity-related outcomes and summarizes the biological effects of RF and microwave radiation. [83] found that long-term exposure to microwave radiation (typical mobile phone, at an SAR level range of 0.170.37W/kg for 3h daily for 8months, or wireless digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone (DECT) base at an SAR level range of 0.0120.028W/kg for 8h/d for 8months) induced the synthesis of 143 proteins, including some neuronal function-associated proteins such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glial maturation factor (GMF), apolipo protein E, heat-shock protein, cytoskeletal proteins and some proteins that are associated with metabolism in the brain. 2000;284:30017. 2006;98:170713. NR2B plays a key role in LTP and was decreased from the 3rd to the 18th month post-treatment, and long-term exposure to high doses of radiation may therefore damage cognitive functions. increased with the growing in the number of devices that used the Microwave frequencies in. 1 Microwave radiation may also lead to skin cancer/health problems when we are within the radius of a cell phone tower in a certain specified limited distance. [38] exposed Wistar rats to a 2.856GHz pulsed microwave field for 6min. Effects of isothermal 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the mammalian cell Ci ihff fihl2MHdifdi i Bi l h. C Spr '05 Inan, OT Thermal effects of RF he above diagram depicts the electric field alternations, at a frequency f, of the [103] found that microwave radiation caused DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks in vivo in populations submitted to occupational exposure, and the incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes was significantly increased. Biochem J. However, most studies have not supported the conclusion that cell phones cause brain tumors [8,9,10,11,12]. 2013;17:711. It has been shown that neurons are sensitive to reductions in the availability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of energy in mitochondria, which have been reported to be vulnerable to microwave radiation [118].

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