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Before the train heist Arthur tries to talk to Dutch about letting John and his family leave the gang peacefully. Pearson can ask Arthur to find him a Naval Compass and in return will give him a bottle of Rum. In said letter,she saysit is time to cut ties for good, knowing that Arthur will never change, while also apologizing for the pain their failed relationship caused him. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (10), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mary-beth deserves more love and i'm here to give it to her, I mean sorta??? However, Arthur promises to protect her and won't let anything happen, further showing how much he cares for Tilly. If Arthur chooses to help Mary, their relationship improves to the point in which she reveals she still has feelings for Arthur. He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. Arthur and Sadie worked on jobs with each other, specifically rescuing John from prison. Throughout the early parts of the story Dutch tells Arthur numerous times that he is "like a son" to him, and at one point tells him that he is more than that. She is respected enough by Arthur that he, as well as Bill and Lenny, were happy enough for her to come along on a bank job in Valentine where she showed she is a capable gunslinger by holding people up inside the bank and shooting at the law when the gang were escaping. Abigail opts to make the stew when Pearson gets sick. Dutch also shows clear trust in Arthur and complete confidence in his protege's numerous abilities. Break ups are a lot easier when you hate the person, they're god damn rough as hell when you both still love one another but can't make one another happy. Arthur seems to remember Isaac fondly, calling him a "good kid", as whom he had raised him alongside Eliza. I think people want to blame her for Arthur's apparent low self esteem but I think that is mostly a self depreciating sense of humor. Sean, the bastard thats dragged him along that evening, skips past him to sit in the booth behind her. Older Sibling Arthur Morgan - Works | Archive of Our Own requests are closed. They got their chance and they would successfully kill Micah. His eyes fell on Dutch and Miss Molly O'Shea now. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. Arthur stumbles upon Charlotte mourning for her husband. Arthur takes a moment over his body, mourning the loss of his friend. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. Arthur Morgan is a big brother; Van der Linde Daughter; Protective Arthur Morgan; swedish character; tuberculosis; Original Character Death(s) Summary There once was a young girl called Addie Andersson, whose father deeply desired a son. Once it becomes apparent that Arthur is sick, through his persistent coughing, Micah starts to regularly mock him and refers to him as "black lung". Arthur liked Miss Grimshaw and her feelings were mutual. Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. Arthur comforts him and tells him that he no longer has to worry about being alone again. Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. You knew a few words before coming to America, basics like Hello, Thank you, My name is, but nothing more. They ride out together, killing any pursuers, with Arthur having successfully found evidence of Cornwall's intentions. She's a good person in a bind with no one to turn to. However, Arthur still gets frustrated by John's poor decisions, such as when they, along with Javier, steal horses from the Braithwaites for, what they hoped would be $5,000, only to be told they would get $650. With a new baby, there are a lot of responsibilities put on his shoulders. I intend to go back to Chapter 2 once I'm done with the Epilogue, and stay there hunting and dancing. Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. This hurt Arthur deeply and left him feeling betrayed and also annoyed at John not appreciating the family he had. Nonetheless, Arthur still respects him deeply because he keeps the camp fed, especially the women and children, and ultimately recognises the vital role he plays in keeping the gang going. Mary-Beth Gaskill | Red Dead Wiki | Fandom If the player makes the decision to help John, Arthur decides sacrificing himself to save John. novaiya Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? My Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Despite the significantly less money John accepts, with Arthur calling him a fool. Arthur must prove whether he really is a redeemed man as he faces a choice between his old life and the new home he has made in 2021. They were smitten with each otherbut prevalent circumstances, such as Arthur's loyalty to the gang and the disapproval of the relationship by Mary's family, particularlyher father, caused their relationship to fall through and they wouldn't see each other again for a long time. At camp Pearson never goes up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat, but he is one of the members Arthur can play Poker with. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. Hes more than happy to go over it again with you, or explain in simpler terms if you are having a hard time understanding. Please consider turning it on! During the standoff in Beaver Hollow, Bill sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, without hesitating. Like just a dramatic retelling of events. At Valentine, when John and Strauss got themselves captured by Leviticus Cornwall's men, Arthur tells Dutch to confront and talk to them whilst he waits for him to make a move, an idea that Dutch agreed to without hesitation. However, Arthurs distrust of Micah Bell and hismanipulative nature towards Dutch, as well as Dutch's changing personality, would eventuallylead to some friction. Mary Beth flushes and buries her head in her hands. In one incident Javier calls Charles an arrogant son of a bitch because of his lack of faith in Dutch and further adds that he should "use [his] brain". This line of work, although lucrative, disgusted Arthur and would often bemoan Strauss' habit of loaning to people he very well knew could not pay the debt back. He was often quick to point out this poor habit and the foolish situations he got himself into, forcing Arthur, at one point, to save him from getting killed by an oncoming train after he gets his foot stuck in the tracks. It was here Sadie proved herself, being completely fearless and dominant in the shootout. This will dictate Arthur's reception among his gang members. Stuck in Colter with no stables to buy a horse from, Arthur decides to go out and get you one, but not just any one, a White Arabian. Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. Mary-beth x reader. This culminates into Arthur trying to help John escape with Abigail and Jack so they could live a better life, away from Dutch and the gang's violence. Trelawny says he hopes to meet Arthur again but Arthur doubts this as he expects to die soon from his tuberculosis. Despite his reservations Arthur was willing to save Trelawny when he was taken captive by the local sheriff in Rhodes, and did the same again, this time by bounty hunters. One day, Arthur went to their home and saw two crosses outside and immediately realized that they were both dead. So, without any further ado, send your head canons, imagines, and fanfic requests my way! In many ways, Red Dead Redemption 2 is more or less a character study of Arthur. After the gang manages to loot the safe and return to the lobby Trelawny gets into an argument with Blythe, who Arthur beat at Poker, believing that he cheated. You would let out a long breath and shake your head. Have you ever wondered what Red Dead would be like based in the 1950s? Nonetheless, Arthur is slightly saddened for her death. Eagle Flies admires Arthur's skills and ends up deciding to help him, after Arthur gets himself cornered, by causing an explosion in the distance, giving Arthur the chance to escape. However, Micah's skill as a shooterperhaps makes Arthur even more concerned about his influence on Dutch. The loss of his son and Eliza made Arthur appreciate the family he had in the Van der Linde gang and perhaps fuelled the frustration he had with John when he ran away after getting Abigail pregnant with Jack. Even so, John would use Arthur's ring to propose to Abigail, showing the sentimental value Arthur has in his, and Abigail's, life. Arthur writes in one entry, sometime near his death, that he hopes John uses his brain better and that the luck that has eluded him will continue to help John instead. Strauss protests this by saying the sick delude themselves, a reference to Arthur's worsening illness, and that he was Arthur's friend. Arthur is 36-37. There are other times in the story when Arthur and John bicker, for example, when John gets Arthur's help to steal some sheep to sell off in Valentine the two can be heard arguing about Jack, with John complaining that Arthur took him fishing and with Arthur responding that John should be spending more time with his family, especially Jack. In doing so, he must think long and hard about the family hes got, and the family he secretly wishes for. Ultimately, however, Tilly and Bill's bickering compromises the intended plan and instead they change to brute force, with Tilly leaving as that is not her style. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Arthur admits that he reciprocates her feelings but declines, stating that they need money, that there's still people in the gang he needs to protect, and that he doesn't want her to get hurt. I can guess. Karen smirks, glances to the other side of camp where their horses are tethered. To the frustration of Dutch who says that his "doubting" makes him soundlike John. Arthur admired and respected Hamish greatly because of the way he has lived his life, despite his prosthetic leg. Mary-Beth is much more sincere and considerate than the other girls, which gives Arthur the confidence to confide into Mary-Beth. At camp Mary-Beth does not come up to Arthur for any conversations. Their ultimate goal is to go north with the Marstons, to find the bucolic stretches of Wisconsin where, rumor has it, there are lily farms. Arthur and Trelawny work together to rob Miss Damsen's stagecoach, either with stealth or brute force depending on the player. There are things that can be forgot, and there are things that can be forgiven. 2), Also it's up to you if you want this to be an & fic or a / fic. Abigail then gives Arthur the key to Dutchs chest that has all the money the gang has robbed throughout the story, surprising him. Same, the two dances I had were both with Karen. Arthur and John were, more or less, like brothers as both of them were raised by Dutch and Hosea for 15 years. Regardless of the player's choices, Arthur and Micah will have one last fight, either a knife fight or a fistfight. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. And write with her heart, she did. Whilst at Shady Belle, Arthur can go with Pearson to grab some Gator eggs, with Pearson showing a surprising amount of bravery by luring the alligators away whilst Arthur goes to their nest. They find two of Cornwall's men and go to stealth kill them, only for Uncle to fumble it and Arthur is then forced to save him. Nonetheless, Uncle respects Arthur's authority and if he is told to do something he will do it, albeit reluctantly and with only the occasional backchat. This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect. Arthur saw Hosea as a father figure, much like Dutch, and looked up to him. Boy has all the dexterity of his father before him, but he still managed a better job than Uncle who was on the bottle before I could get him working. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. The relationship Arthur has with other characters can be dictated by the actions of the player, for example, the player is given the choice to talk to various gang members whilst at camp in either a positive manner or a negative one. Arthur is very friendly with Karen and cares for her, this is shown early in the game when Uncle, Tilly, Karen, Arthur and Mary-Beth head to Valentine and whilst the girls scope the place out for information Karen takes a man to a hotel bedroom to rob him, but he starts to beat her. Whilst exploring the world Arthur can, rarely, encounter Uncle being kicked out of a Saloon and about to be attacked by a man, with Arthur having the choice to intervene and protect him. Early on, Arthur, alongside Javier, rescues John after he got lost and attacked by a pack of wolves that leaves John with his famous scars. Arthur and Javier have respect for each other and worked together to rescue John when he had gone missing. This took me two months to write LOL But in the end, Im very pleased with how it turned out. Loves running her fingers through your hair. Mary-Beth liked the name Leslie because it was ambiguous, both male and female and Dupont Well, French had always seemed so romantic to her. Arthur saw Lenny as a very bright kid and talented member of the gang, he would often stand up for Lenny whenever Micah taunted him. He is grateful for Arthur's contributions when he goes hunting and donates what he has caught. There are mature themes peppered in here, so just a fair warning. He later learned that they were robbed and killed for a meager amount of money. It was her job to make sure the camp ran like clockwork. The gang is in trouble, and as Arthur and Mary Beth aim to set out on their own one day, they must find a way to help those they love while eventually, finding escape. Arthur jokingly tells her that none of them will live to see seven years but that he will find her a new mirror. Dutch convincesEagle Flies to attack Cornwalls oil factory, forcing Rains Fall to arrive at the gang's hideout and convince Arthur and his friends to stop Eagles Flies from being killed, whilst inadvertently revealing to Dutch and Micah that Arthur has been aiding Rains Fall without theirknowledge. My favorite trio UwU. "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. He decides to leave the gang and, should Arthur not help the nun in Saint Denis, will meet Swanson at the train station after dropping off Captain Monroe. Whilst celebrating Jack's return, Arthur can find Pearson singing and join in. Arthur can go on a hunt for some Bison with Charles, which leads to an investigation after they find numerous dead, rotten, Bisons across the open fields. Based on this request: can you write imagines for Arthur, Sean and Charles with a non-English speaking immigrant reader? Arthur is just trying to keep his family in one piece following the disasters events of Blackwater and Dutch's ever-more shaky grip on reality when Mary-Beth comes to him with a proposition he never sought, nor wanted. If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. Years later, whilst he was living with his family on a homestead, Jack talks about Arthur with Abigail and tells her that he can remember Arthur saving them, if only a little. par | Juin 16, 2022 | tent camping orange county | rdr2 colt navy single player | Juin 16, 2022 | tent camping orange county | rdr2 colt navy single player The experience hardened him and made him realise that he doesn't deserve the kind of happiness that his now dead family once gave him because of the life he leads. Arthur grew close to Lenny after the two got drunk together in Valentine after Dutch tells him to show Lenny a good time. 28 Ridiculous Hidden Details About Arthur Morgan In Red Dead - TheGamer A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. Both Arthur and Charles were disgusted by Dutchs influence on Eagle Flies to get him to attack the U.S. Army which would compromise the safety on the Wapiti Tribe. Enraged over Hosea's death, Arthur and the gang proceed to kill several Pinkertons before escaping. Arthur also keeps a flower next to his bed, which his mother saw as a good luck charm. She was found by the Van der Linde gang while being chased by her pickpocketing victims, and was presumably rescued by them before joining the gang. Mary Beth flushes and buries her head in her hands. After getting the dynamite for an upcoming heist Arthur tells John that whatever happens during the robbery, and wherever Dutch goes, he will get him the money he needs and get out of this life. However, Trelawny is very useful and a pleasant person to be around. Bill is shocked when he sees that Arthur is losing faith in Dutch and tells Arthur, whilst robbing some dynamites in Van Horn, that he believes he has gone soft. This was the last time they saw each other. Not only this, but Arthur can, on some missions, choose to help certain characters and/or make other decisions that will effect the outcome of their relationship. Before the job starts, Sean antagonises Arthur by telling him he should sleep with his eyes open for mocking him, Arthur quickly, and rather aggressively, tells Sean he'll be sleeping with his chest open if he is not careful. Luckily for her, woman of ill repute and dear friend Karen Jones has some not so lady-like advice for the naive, love-struck Mary-Beth. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. In reality, however, Arthur was thankful for Kieran saving his life. He will also occasionally come up to Arthur for a chat, often with the intent of being semi-friendly (although Micahinstead decides to taunt and Arthur by the time he has tuberculosis), but Arthur usually brushes him off and never wishes to talk to Micah. As the gang started to fall apart, due to Dutch's growing violence and paranoia, Arthur did all he could for Jack and his family to escape and live a free and safe life. The two of you can often be found away from camp, hidden by a shade from a tree, you with your head in Mary-Beths lap, one of her hands in your hair, the other holding a book. In regards to his death, Arthur says that he watched Lyle die and "it weren't soon enough,"referringto himas a "no good bastard" in a journal entry after his tuberculosis diagnosis. Mary beth is a better person than Mary linton. : r - reddit After Arthur, Dutch, Javier, Bill and Micah return from Guarma, Arthur is surprised to discover that it was Sadie who rounded up the gang members after the failed bank job in Saint Denis and got them to safety and have since been waiting for them to return. Though Sean frequently annoyed Arthur, he was greatly saddened when Sean was killed in an ambush by the Grays, affectionately saying what fun times they had together and that he never realised how much he actually cared about him until he was dead. Mary-Beth Gaskill/Arthur Morgan - Works | Archive of Our Own You sniggered, "Mary-Beth, I wouldn't dream of stealing your man." Mary-Beth, blushed. Abigail had to know if this was Arthur seeing how useless John was and just taking pity on her and Jack, or if he was feeling the same way she had been lately. After reaching the peak Arthur has stopped and has given up trying to survive, stating hes pushed all that he can and urges John to continue without him. Whilst in Valentine, along with Uncle, Karen and Mary-Beth, Tilly is accosted by a gang member she used to be affiliated with, Arthur intervenes on her behalf and threatens the man, who leaves. Language barrier sucks, but when you have people like Arthur, Charles or Sean, it sucks a little less lol Im gonna be honest, as much fun as I had wiring this, I struggled a bit, especially with Arthur. This is where I post my fulfilled tumblr-requests, all centered around our favorite cowpokes. She is also one of the members that can come up to Arthur for a chat, specifically concerning Karen and her drinking habits. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Arthur couldn't help but scornfully question why he couldn't have shown up earlier. Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. Summary: Its been three years since thatfateful night. At camp Hosea is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. Charles mentions to Arthur that Javier has changed to which Arthur calls him a "little sack of shit"he shouldve lethim to die in Guarma, signifying that their once close friendship has ended. When Hamish is mortally wounded by a giant boar they were tracking, he gives his beloved steed, Buell, to Arthur, signifying their friendship. At camp Uncle can come up to Arthur to have random chats, normally ending with an insulting comment from Arthur. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. He points out that had anyone else ran off like he did they wouldn't have been welcomed back, and further implies that he believes Dutch coddles him too much. With many camp members expressing concern over this. Having successfully escaped America, Arthur Morgan and the rest of the Van Der Linde gang were finally free, but upon entering the mysterious Bermuda Triangle the entire gang is magically transported to the mythical world of Westeros. This is first highlighted early in the story when Bill has the job of planting explosives when the gang intends to rob a train, however, the explosives fail to detonate and the crew is forced to improvise. Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. This reveals her deep appreciation for what Arthur did. Later in the game she is kidnapped by the Foreman Brothers who she used to run with before she joined the Van der Linde gang.

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