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Since Aries is the self in astrology, the self in this couple refers to the relationship. After one go away, I can find another one. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. This will include all one-to-one interactions. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. A transit or progression can sit there, inactive, for months, and things blow when the transiting Sun hits the relevant points. Those places, unpleasant though they may seem to us in our freedom above all culture, represent places where we must retreat in order to become whole again, in order to heal. Like putting the right kind of fuel into a car, you . You can use your relationships to promote yourself and your goals. Posted on: 6 November, 2019 with 2934 Notes. This connection can become a living example of solid, dignified, gentle relating that others around them long to achieve in their own relationships. Chiron conjunct descendant composite - In Composite Chart Astrology, the Composite Ascendant is how the couple comes off to the world. Whatever sign the sun is in indicates the way that the couple feels about the relationship and the way they act towards it. Perhaps they are wildly committed and monogamous but live in separate homes. It represents the vitality of the relationship. Often they will seem like they complete each other or there is a natural balance and symmetry between them. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. I would be interested to know how different the effects would be if it was a Lunar Eclipse with the Sun on the descendant, as opposed to a Solar Eclipse. They are very curious about the world, and spend a lot of time questioning the things around them and discussing ideas in depth. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Courting one another, putting effort into their appearance, comedy, flirting, taking each others art/music/poem/dance seriously, being generous and warm will fan the flames of their bond. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. It shows what the two of you create when you come together. Be self-confident and ready to defend yourself against any ego trippers. Large changes or life altering decisions make this couple feel very insecure they like consistency, and they like things to stay the same. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. The sun partner will be driving force of the relationship and thereby assume the active role in the partnership. Synastry: Sun Conjunct Descendant | Cafe Astrology .com Others see us as a couple very easily, and are often shocked if there are any difficulties brewing under the surface. This may lead to not living in reality, or thinking that everything is going to be okay without taking active steps to make sure it is. This couple is incredibly outgoing, and likes to make friends and be part of social circles, and they are not very private about what is going on in their lives. There is a possibility that they are enticed by what is occult and considered taboo, all in the interest of tearing down unneeded boundaries to redefine the landscape. This is a composite chart. A combination between two esoteric aspects might also work, such as: Sun septile Moon, Sun novile Moon. Warm bread with butter. However, each person is magnetically drawn to the other. The Sun illuminates the conscious mind, and the Moon the unconscious. The Twelfth House governs places of seclusion and introspection: hospitals, prisons, monasteries. The composite Sun in Gemini likes a fast pace. You easily put the blinders on and gloss over the bad stuff. They might play music with the TV on at the same time. We may be keen on acquisition and on broadening and extending our shared resources. They think in terms of the big picture, so they may find themselves being more forgetful around each other, or more scatterbrained in the relationship than out of it. As a couple, the Composite Ascendant in Aquarius couple comes off as objective and rational, but a bit aloof. Have a spine, but be nice. Thinking theyve figured it all out, doing the same shit every day, and having no mystery will starve the bond of its vitality. The composite chart, on the other hand, relates to the destiny of the couple. Our lives will be about making connections, whether spiritual, mental or physical. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They enjoy a balanced and harmonious relationship, which means that layers below the surface may be many unaddressed issues. This relationship can go one of two ways. There is a certain drive that emulates from this couple; they want to achieve things together. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. This transit forces you to work with others, sometimes resulting in ego conflicts and encounters with open enemies. The Sun in a composite chart represents the essence, the creative drive, that is the outcome of two forces joining. It is very powerful. They will feel their closest when they must lean on one another and focus on a common goal. There are many possible indicators of a fated relationship. The Composite Ascendant in Scorpio relationship forces both people to transform in a multitude of ways, and to adapt better to their surroundings and their reactions to the world. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects The Composite Sun in the Houses of the Composite Chart The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationship the primary reasons for your coming together. Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite When two planets connect, there is a powerful exchange of energies. Maybe they never get actually married. Delineating Composite Charts - Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) This is a couple that may have a lot of PDA in public. There also is a tendency for Twelfth House Sun couples to wallow in their discomfort, or choose escapist behavior, rather than make the effort to change. I like to think that the Sun has a dual function in the chart, and one of them is to portray the essence of the human being. The evolving I, the one that evokes and embraces change, is represented by the progressed Ascendant as it moves through time. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. One of the downfalls of Composite Ascendant Aries couples is that they can come across as being a bit selfish towards this relationship. The composite Sun starves and the spark is gone. The planet of love meets the house of joy, creativity, play, and children. Sun-Descendant: This aspect describes a strong bond since the Sun person represents all those qualities that the Ascendant person needs to integrate into their identity. The wife's Sun and Mars often oppose the husband's Juno; the husband's Venus, Mars and Mercury often trine the wife's Juno. How about that!? They appear emotionally detached from one another. Composite Chart | PlutonicDesire They psycho-analyze each other and their connection to the point that it may feel like they are each others psychiatrist. You know how it takes both people in a canoe rowing together with rhythm and power to get around the rocks in the rapids? As we gloss over the lights and jump to the Vertex and/or aspects to Chiron, we are missing, in fact, the essence of the chart. The bond is fed by adventure, open roads, telling the truth, feeding their senses, planning ahead, and understanding the tenets of the relatiosnhip. Composite Uranus: Relationship Liberator or Destroyer? However, at its best, this relationship forces you to take on challenges and face yourself. I takes courage to be vulnerable. Composite Ascendant Aries couples are very take-charge, and they appear to always bedoingsomething on some kind of adventure or simply going out together. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects One example of a Composite Ascendant Gemini couple on TV is Monica Geller and Chandler Bing on Friends. You are not ones to fight or put each other down when times are tough. I was researching this aspect because of my children.they were literally born with a companion, theyre twins! Both people need to learn to be a little more dynamic in the relationship, so they can have the personal freedom that a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship requires. We know about Mars and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. le-de-France - Wikipedia She just needs improvement however small while she is inspired by the vision or ideal she holds in her mind. They are the couple you are always hoping will show up, and when they do grace you with their presence, you will feel incrediblyimportant to know them. The sun personifies the center of the personality and characterizes the potential given from birth. The two of you operate as one unit and together you face the world. Getting There: The Function of the Sun in Composite Charts Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This coupleneeds to be creative together it is the only way their relationship will truly flourish. Composite Chart: Composite Ascendant Signs | Cafe Astrology .com Couples with Composite Ascendant in Virgo are very practical and unassuming, especially when you first met them. Stability, creature comforts, and peace feed the bond. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Our great strength is in our shared values and the way we express them. Or this may be a relationship that works primarily on the intellectual plane, where the exchange of ideas is the utmost priority. With Leo in the 7th house of the relationship, there is often a leader and a follower in the relationship which can lead to incredible power struggles. They are easy to be around, easy to get along with, and always the most attractive couple in the room. If you are having a relationship issue and you go to a person who is in a Composite Ascendant Leo relationship, they may respond like well I dont know, inmy relationship we dont have that issue. It is important that to have healthy relationships outside of their romantic one, the Composite Ascendant Leo couple tempers their pride in their own relationship. This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. However, they may focus solely on just getting it right as a couple and defining their lives for themselves. Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus This is similar to the Composite Ascendant Virgo, in that people see you together for a purpose instead of because you have emotional depth and enjoy one anothers company. This transit forces you to work with others, sometimes resulting in ego conflicts and encounters with open enemies. They are both processing life, getting there, the only way they know how. So here is the perfect place to mention that you can see how its possible there could be a conflict between the relationships needs and the needs of one or both of the individuals. From the moment they met, they always seemed the same. The bond needs calm. Since both people are natural flirts, there may be some degree of jealousy in the relationship. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. These are the couples who may lose themselves in the throes of partnership, and then find out that they are not who they thought they were. Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Marriott's Village d'Ile-de-France, A Marriott Vacation Club Resort Even if this connection is short-lived, the dignity of these two will be affected by the manner in which they treat each other in the act of severing their relationship. They may enjoy night swimming together. We are both eternal and evolving through the experience of our material reality. Sun Opposite Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. Others may even envy you as a result, but rarely do you inspire bad feelings. Now, I got myself with my husband. There is a very dreamy feeling to this couple, almost as if they are living in their own world together and its a side of them that often only comes out when they are together. A Sun Conjunct Jupiter transit is a time that opens the door to success. They fear the relationship is doomed to be noncommittal or worse. They tend to try to find fault in each other, as they think that there is always someone to blame. This comes from a fear of their own imperfection, so they attempt to pin that imperfection on the other person. The quality of the Sun shows what must be present in the relationship in order for it to continue functioning. Sun conjunct pluto in composite : r/astrology - reddit Sun Opposite Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite. They may have a hard time harnessing their beliefs to their actions, and may think nothing is worth the effort. They may feel like scapegoats, put upon and oppressed by others, or they may have trouble establishing meaning in the life theyve created for themselves. These people are very much wrapped up in we and us and are usually happier gaining identity from the partnership. Not spending time one on one is a killer for this relationship. On the other hand, couples with this configuration often have an emphasis on work and servicethe challenge then is in finding the right type of vehicle for their actions. Im not just talking about if your brother, children, or best friend will remember you when youre gone. However, they are incredibly logical and rational together. Celebrities with the Sun as a Rising Planet: Lucy Lawless, Alyssa Milano. They are a private couple who keeps their issues between them, and they value loyalty over everything. You can feel that you're capable of more together and in the relationship than you are on your own. you are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within themselves. Pallas Aspects - Synni Signs Astrology The conjunction must be close. Sun opposed Ascendant - Lindaland - Linda Goodman A lucky place for the Sun to be, as it tells us that this is a couple whose energy will pour easily and naturally into the relationship itself. The drawback to composite Sun in the Ninth may be the search for searchings sake, with a lack of willingness to commit to the partnership in the fear of tying it down and holding back its potential. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects I tend to think that there is nothing malefic about the Sun. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples are very solid. The outside world often cannot understand what actually keeps them together. They tend to be more well-off with their friends, and their generosity as a couple is no question. This doesnt mean that every couple with this composite Sun will and should be married forever and ever, but commitment, the type that both feels and ACTUALLY IS safe, will be required at some point. When it ceases to be the right thing to do, Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couples often break up. This couple is all about perseverance. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects This may be because of insecurities in one or both people, but this Capricorn ascendant tends to mask those insecurities and show the world a stoic, reliable couple. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They tend to react very quickly to struggles between them, and may even have outbursts in public. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Romantic gestures go far as does making an attempt to create beauty. Depending on the Sun, they may be aggressive in determining their territory. When a Composite Ascendant Taurus couple enters the room, goes out to dinner with a friend, or even has people over, there is the assumption that they will be picking up the bill. You are still very much your unique person but are simply more comfortable when you are with someone else. They enjoy the comfort of their own home, and each others embrace more than other couples, and may become a bit reclusive if they are not careful. Her upcoming book, The Inner Wheel, takes a new look at interpreting secondary progressions. Conflicts can come from the work environment and/or health issues. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. They may feel as though they are in another world together and are the only ones who exist. Fated Relationships: The Vertex In The Composite | ElsaElsa Hugs, dancing, walks around the property, sex. They must never allow fear control them. The vitality of this couple is reliant on the ability of the relationship to continually grow, change, and improve. Composite Sun Conjunct the Ascendant - Sophia's Astrology In public, this is not the kind of couple that yells at each other. A lot of this warm and empathetic side comes from that fear or insecurity they are constantly worrying that they will not begood enough for the other person, which changes the way they act around each other. They take an active interest and role in one anothers lives. Furthermore, the I is ever-evolving.

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