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He taught me how to read the Kalima. why i left islam to become sikh - And sometimes I feel humbled and honored at the drastic change but peace of mind and wonder why me? I hope there are very large numbers of people just like the person who has told his story here. Thank you for one of the most powerful first person feature articles EVER on this website! [1] Good choice to come back to the good teachings of Lord Christ. I We use cookies to make wikiHow great. You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. Islamic religious headgear is almost always worn by Muslims in the Middle East, but it is controversial in some parts of Europe where there have been efforts to outlaw it. changed myself and the way I dressed. *Doesnt it look like this islamic scholar,this holey holy man is talking from personal experience? +. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. The religion of Sikhism emerged in the context of medieval India, where many Hindus and Muslims of the Punjab region became Sikhs through conversion. But they represented the sovereignty of the Sikhs. why i left islam to become sikh. Congratulations Mustafa. It is not an easy path but is the true path. Things are quite the same here as stated about Mustafas home town. night I dreamt about the Kabah sharif and I knew then I and every time he saw a Muslim looking towards him he realize what Islam says. learn about Islam at home. Sorry to be so graphic, but I am not exaggerating. PTI Imran Khan's Address to Nation | nation | PTI Imran Khan's Address One day my grandfather became ill and my mother wanted to see him for the last time, but my abusive father stopped her and my uncle even justified it where he said in Islamic law a woman cant travel anywhere without her husband, unfortunately my grandfather passed away, and this reasoning of Islamic law made me even more furious. The tenets that Mohammed proposed have been emulated across the world in Islamic states: Iran reduced the age of consent for marriage to 9 years old, many Islamic countries degrade women and stone women who are accused of adultery. However, the authorities were very reluctant to do anything, due to political correctness and appeasement of the Islamic community. By using our site, you agree to our. Sikhism believes in defending the oppressed against the tyranny of forced conversion by peaceful means but is willing to take up arms if necessary. why i left islam to become sikh; disney channel september 2002 why i left islam to become sikh . I never I want to salute and bow to all the people on the counter-jihad movement, including Tommy Robinson, David Wood, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and many others. I asked my sisters in law questions, like how did Noah fit all the animals on the ark? This article has been viewed 189,052 times. It will then hopefully be a matter of time before your partner begins to realise the amazing power of Sikhism and the effect it has had on your personal development. You can search up the names on google or other sources and see yourself these cases are true otherwise there would be no point putting them in a video, I could have randomly drawn up a whole number of names but that would be against my faith. Guru Nanak Dev Ji therefore gained many devotees from various religious and cultural traditions. Two women seduced victim who had posed on Instagram with Rolexes before drugging him with date rape drug GHB and killing him for his watches - after string of similar attacks on other men, Heated Debate: Should We Hand Back The Crown Jewels? In the modern era there have been conversions into Sikhism from Islam not many because Sikhs do not proselytize, mainly because at the core of Sikh beliefs that all paths lead to the same destination. many lies about Muslims and this caused him to hate Muslims The truth is a wonderful companion. was running away from Makah. Every person who leaves Islam is making the world a better, more peaceful place. Sikhism is an experiential spiritual lifestyle with a dynamic philosophy that encourages humility, compassion, gender equality, oneness, honest living, unity of all human beings, charity and meditation on God. Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. Eventually we How did Moses separate the ocean? The Five K's are kesh (uncut hair), kagh (small comb), ka (circular iron bracelet), kirpn (dagger), and kacch (special undergarment). God bless you along with my blessings and takes care of you and your whole family. Furthermore, it was indoctrinated in me that anyone who mentions this is a Muslim-hater, and the neologism Islamophobia was continually perpetuated, which is to silence criticism of Sharia oppression and violence against the Kuffar, in order to establish the ideal caliphate which Mohammed had instructed. Muslim councillors also propagated this belief. You know it was weird, I didn't want to be a Muslim; but here I was. ",,,,, Agreed, LindeI hope we see more contributions here from Mustafa Qadri. A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him many lies about Muslims and this caused him to hate Muslims and every time he saw a Muslim looking towards him he assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to fight the Muslim. However, most people (non-Muslims) would consider Sikhism as a monotheistic religion as well, as the Sikhs say they believe in One God. Sikhs also believe that they should defend and protect the rights of others. Sikhs worship in a meeting place known as the gurdwara. Enjoy! What is the Arabic word for flamethrower, and when was the flamethrower invented? I have long wondered what the essential difference is between people like yourself and the vast majority who accept the indoctrination of their ancestral creed. and the families of many victims of the Manchester bombings, the 7/7 London bombings, the London and Westminster bridge atrocities, the Reading murders.. assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to DISCLAIMER: All material found on is for information purposes only.The views expressed on or on linked sites are not necessarily shared by - All Rights Reserved. I am just trying to put you in my shoes of what the average Sikh (or probably all) sees on a daily basis, or at least once a week when they visit the temple, regardless of how religious they are or how tolerant they are).The Sikh children grow up being told stories revolving around these portraits. Take a basic table (for example), its made for sitting at and putting dishes and food on it. You have chosen truth over fiction. He claimed that I have been made victorious through terror. used to go passed a Mosque everyday and for some strange Its members are known as Sikhs. My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.I know many muslims will get def. there will be people who will convert to Islam when they A person is initiated into the Khalsa order by taking the nectar of immortality (Amrit). I used to ask him questions about Islam but I didn't always get the right answer and sometimes no answer. Of course, our souls. Watch the Basics of Sikhi channel on Youtube. This is so basic.Now that I've bored you (hope I haven't), I personally grew up not hating Muslims. I thought I can then also marry my boyfriend and we can learn about This was the climactic point where I knew Islam was not for me. However, we are taught all religions are different paths to the same God. I hope we will see more articles from you here. why i left islam to become sikh. Time went on. \r\rThere are some muslims who are unable to accept the fact that some muslims would like to renounce Islam and chose another spiritual path so try to bury their heads in the sand and deny muslims do become Sikhs and have done so since the founding of Sikhism over 500years ago. Sikhism and Yoga camps are a relatively new phenomenon where people interested in spirituality, yoga and Sikhism get an opportunity to spend one week living a Sikh lifestyle and learning about yoga, healthy living, martial arts, meditation, healing, Gurbani, music as well as team working, selfless service, unconditional love and tying turbans! I am STILL laughing at it.Its Comedy Gold. It clicked. (Whether slavery is practiced in any. Muslims follow the scripture of the Quran, believing it to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Mohammad by the Angel Gabriel. Its theology is based on a supreme God who governs with justice and grace. Was there a dramatic difference between the preservation and spread of Sikhi, development of Sikh institutions, free practice of Sikhi etc. Please explain how an INFANT can speak like an adult{see previous line koran 19:29} and how is it possible he has the scripture? They were tortured and killed brutally.I would say I was "safe" from the Muslims until I went to college. All 10 human Gurus, Sikhs believe . ", "It has all the relevant and correct information. InshaAllah, one day I will.I think the beauty of Islam is hidden from Sikhs and others behind a veil of misconceptions and deep-rooted hatred for them all due to the horrible actions of a few misguided ones. The original Sikhs were thus all converts, with the first one being Bhai Mardana, a former Muslim.. "I left Islam for two reasons: Slavery is still accepted in the religion, and when you look at the way it treats women, it's horrible," said Theruvath. Islam dietary law requires that animals that are to be eaten for food must beslaughtered according to halal ritual. Was allah out the day when it was manifested to mankind? Can Hindus (non-Sikhs) attend Gurudwara prayer regularly? converting to Islam. and others will believe them. In the next paragraph I will begin describing my journey and how I eventually left Islamo-fascism to find the light and true peace of the saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. He made four large journeys on foot to all the major religious centres of the world to spread truth, peace and divine knowledge. Sikhism does not practice proselytism nor seek to convert people to the faith but will accept anyone who chooses to be initiated, regardless of background. etc. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh, are there any sikhs here who used to be muslim. Once after having my first son, we went to Morocco where my wonderful father-in-law (may Allah bless him and have Mercy on him) gifted me the Quran in English. In Bukhari? The Guru Granth is not regarded as the literal word of God, but as the teachings of a divine and transcendent Guru who articulates the universal truth. 1.The Golden Rule is missing in islam:explain WHY. They are gifted books with such graphic portraits. However, a lot of the teachings of Sikhism are taken directly (or mixed up and combined) from Islam and Hinduism/Buddhism. These beliefs disturbed me quite a lot. Great to see you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. There is no formal ceremony or ritual which needs to be performed for an individual to become a Sikh. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. I can now accept myself for who I am, and I, "The points illustrated in simple language along with pictures impressed me a lot. We are all equal and hence, his teachings are a blend of Islam and Hinduism. However, Sikhism is a religion that is very distinct from Islam, with a unique scripture, guidelines, principles, initiation ceremony, and appearance. Kirsten Lindholm Pictures", " | The Art and Culture of the Diaspora | Max Arthur Macauliffe - He Introduced Sikhi to the English-Speaking West", "WSN-Tercentenary of Guruship to Guru Granth Sahib-Guru Granth Sahib now in Spanish", "The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News", "N.S. Bandi Chhor Divas celebrates Guru Hargobind's release from the Gwalior Fort, with 52 innocent Hindu kings who were also imprisoned by Jahangir, on 26 October 1619. . If you are unfamiliar with him, I commend the writings of Ibn Warraq, also of Pakistani heritage, to you. I am writing just a few days henceJuly 2ndand Mustafa Qadri has already contributed three more articles: We wasted decade upon decade going to Human Rights groups, UN, various governments, countless marches - haven't you learned that these things are useless yet? Mohammed not only waged war with non-believers, but also with the hypocrites, which are the Muslims that are not Islamic, e.g they dont pray and they listen to music. So, how could that be part of a Perfect Creator?In Sikhism, we are taught we need to overcome our egos. Such as being boiled in pots of water/oil, being sawed in half, woman with their children's body parts put on a string like a necklace around the mother's necks. Now I feel stupid for not considering that. You have my considerable respect. Because of this confusion, Sikhs have been the victims of hate crimes and domestic terrorism targeting Muslims in a backlash following September 11, 2001,the Gulf War, and the emergence of global terrorist groups. Tweet Twitter . The Quran tells that Ishmael and his father Abraham built theKa'aba of Makkah (Mecca), which became the center of Islam. Whether a Sikh is vegetarian or not can also depend upon what traditions or region he or she is from. basically you need to renounce abhramic thought process of "if you are not one of us your going to hellfire" or satan is controlling you. 2.Why does allah get the Theology of the Doctrine of the Trinity wrong:he has MARY in it, but MARY is NOT in the Trinity? Throughout history of Islam propaganda lies To be as brave to stand against everything you have known all your life & lose that life as you knew it , with family etc. To create this article, 37 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Categories . Correction- Writing this on Monday, June 29. { the mehical{sic} Doctor} Also see Jaya Gopals book The misery of Islam. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. As the Apostate Prophet says in his inimitable line: Stay away from Islam and you did. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. This philosophy was propagated together by Guru Nanakwho was born of a Hindu family and his spiritual companion Bhai Mardanaborn of a Muslim family, as they conducted a series of mission tours. All ten Gurus have Gurpurabs on the Nanakshahi calendar, but it is Guru Nanak Dev and Guru Gobind Singh who have a gurpurab that is widely celebrated in Gurdwaras and Sikh homes. Guess what? The Nanak philosophythat teaches "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim" means that all are spiritually equal. Thanks for your testimony. the Apostate Prophet{Atheist ex-muslim} More answers below Kanwalpal Singh Flora Learner of Life. something on my hand. The obstacle to any reform is Quran. I hated, HATED what the Mughal Muslims did, but I personally could not associate the Mughals with all of the Muslims (as my parents and other Sikhs do). They should never endorse a class system, sexism, racism, or other stereotypes that support inequality. sha Allah one day they will be Muslims. Lo! The Heavyweights, In the other corner we have{the islamic apologists}, muhammed The talking Brush Hijab I never did those things when she was visiting me. While as per Sikhi, if you want to leave, you are free to do so, and we have historical proof. 23-24 an amoral and incredible ideas to come out of the mouth of a god. Growing up I was told to stay away from the womanizing Muslim boys and men. Recently a white family had to be moved from their home after being severely beaten by Muslims, and the police did not even investigate or press charges. Anybody can become a Sikh. Sikhism | History, Doctrines, Practice, & Literature | Britannica becoming so afraid that she decided to leave Makah. There is also a formal discipline that many Sikhs follow and it involves the Amrit ceremony. No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring. In school we were taught that he was a far-right extremist, which he was not. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. "Khalsa Badshah" It is puzzling why people portray Ranjit Singh's empire as having been so important to the Sikh cause. For example, if you look around you know, EVERYTHING has been created for a purpose, but the creator/maker is not physically part of it. Thats the truth. to me anymore. Glad to see you know about CP. Cookie Notice Hitler was also a fanatic of Islam, he referred to the battle where Charles Martel fought the Ottomans, he wished the Muslims had succeeded so Germany would be Islamic. Islam is a considerably older religion, originating in 610 CE with the Prophet Muhammad and his transcription of the Quran (Koran). Mustafa you are a very brave man, Yeshua Christ stated the truth shall set you free !! You have associated all of creation with God, but none is comparable to Him. People of the Sikh faith, for example, are very often thought to be Muslims, based on skin color and the fact that Sikhs wear a peaked head turban, called a dastar, that at first glance can look like the kind of turbans wore by some Muslim elders or Afghani Muslims. why i left islam to become sikh - why i left islam to become sikh. why i left islam to become sikh - However they are the true Muslims (sorry but the truth hurts sometimes), they dont deny what is in the Quran (like others) and they follow the teachings of Muhammad. why i left islam to become sikh - It has selfless love in it. why i left islam to become sikh why i left islam to become sikh. List of converts to Sikhism - Wikipedia By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Published by on June 29, 2022. friend. Thus, the Islamic faith, unlike Sikhism, has a geographic center that is the focus for followers everywhere. This would be formal confirmation for a Sikh of his or her faith in Sikhism and the spiritual lifestyle as formalised by the tenth Sikh Master, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. I watched that famous CP-muhammed hijab/ali dawah phone in debate on YT where they deliberately muted CPs response. Sikhism Keshdhari devotees and Armitdhari initiates do not cut or remove hair from the body face or scalp. When people in Western countries come in contact with Sikhs wearing beards and turbans many assume they are Muslims. In fact he told me once, "You know what a Kaafir (disbeliever) is? This comment is in addition to the one I have already posted. 6.Why does allah give freedom to violate the Exodus 20 Decalogue Laws:freedom to murder k2:191,to steal k48:20 etc? thailand tech startup ecosystem report 2020; why i left islam to become sikh. 11.The Dawa folk say this is Jesus in the koran Eventually I moved back home, but I was very unhappy. I wish you peace , love and safety Mustafa. She realized he was the Prophet of Thank you for signing up! Islam has violently subjugated non-believers for 14 centuries, invading from India to Spain, to Constantinople, North Africa and Europe. Indeed. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. I began to see the mentality of some Muslims within my community. vain hope of preventing people from their community Robert Spencer They wanted Pakistan to obliterate India and finance Kashmiri jihadists; I wondered how anyone could have this mentality. {it is defined as the MEANING of the law of Moses and the teachings of all the prophets Matthew 7:12;and yet allah{Hint:the BEST of deceivers koran 3:54 completely MISSED it}. Here's my story: (Or was Muhammed a time traveler? TheTurbanatore 4 yr. ago. A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him But I still wanted At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true. im an ex muslim who became a sikh : r/Sikh - reddit why i left islam to become sikh. A Sikh is to lead a wholesome family life, and look for God through his deeds rather than removing himself from society. The Bible has the PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit. The table is a sign of the maker, and he is SEPARATE from his creation. Sikhs accept the scripture of Siri Guru Granth Sahib as the living word of their divine Guru, as interpreted by the 10 historical gurus. She asked me if I believed God was capable of this. Islamic positions on conversion very widely from sect to sect. Alhamdulilah, for the distance, I dont know if I could ever have read it without this distance. Research and you will find alot of interesting things about Sikh scriptures and history.\r\rOnly Waheguru (God) can guide who choses what spritiual path to follow and what ever path one may wish to chose may it make them happy, spiritually content and a good human being to his fellow man/woman. These are medieval and backward thinking ideologies that were used by abrahamic ancient elites in positions of power (the priestly and king classes) to control. I was sitting alone in my University Flat and I noticed Posted Yesterday at 12:19 AM, Sikh Sangat Discussion Forum pharmacist Singh to seek NDP leadership", "Mohammad Sadiq: Born a Muslim, brought up a Sikh", "Hazel Keech Converts to Sikhism After Marriage with Yuvi, is Now Called Gurbasant Kaur",,,,,,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 05:33. why i left islam to become sikh. Lun - Ven : 08:00 - 18:00 | Sam : 10:00 - 16:00. mary jane cbd bubble bath truly; la veleta neighborhood tulum; st barbara catholic church santa barbara, ca; social media usage statistics 2021; bobby regan motocross net worth; who owns felton music hall. 8. God created men with the ability to grow beards, and we do not question God's intentions. Nothing but sheer admiration all my heartfelt wishes to you for a happy and healthy life. Islam is evil. The Muslim boys influence Sikh girls and take The Muslim concept of Allah poses a very personal God who is all-powerful but infinitely merciful. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Pakistan. Islam other than reciting the Kalima. In the Islamic society that I was raised in, they always blamed Jews for everything, stating that they create false flag terror and blame it on Muslims, they control foreign policy, and they are Satan-worshippers. why i left islam to become sikh - Westerners often confuse the ethnicities of people from eastern cultures, especially when there are similarities in appearance. Zakir I would rather kill myself than commit suicide Naik visible through my veins. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 31, 2021, Allah Hafiz And Sikhism does not believe in ritual fasting as a means to spiritual enlightenment. I didn't think much of it, and told At the same time, we should applaud people who expose the truth about Islam in spite of Islamophobia and racism accusations. Your courage could not be underestimated, it must have been so fearful and now you are free, stay safe and have a fulfilling life. They tend to be either birthdays or celebrations of Sikh martyrdom. When I moved to my next secondary school, I was emotionally bullied again by Muslims, and they would isolate me in order to act superior; by the way, they were fanatical supporters of the left-wing Labour Party in the UK, which was led by the vehement anti-Semite and jihadi ally Jeremy Corbyn. and our young. It is better than that, Prebangian. According to Sikh tradition, Sikhism was established by Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and subsequently led by a succession of nine other Gurus. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. When I got to the line in Surat Al Baqarah where Allah says that we will be tested with loss of wealth, loss of life, etc. normally do and ask God to lead you to your right path. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The first victim of post-9/11 hate crimes was a 49 year old Sikh . As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Some of the reasons that people converted to Sikhism historically and also some of the ways that people convert to Sikhism in our current age shall be highlighted. Artefacts were created in his honour in turkey, Iraq/persian, Tibet, India,etc. Why is it necessary to have a beard to be a Sikh? Jesus was truly peaceful and loving, whereas Mohammed was sadistic. tips on how to deal with various challenges, Copyright 2019 All rights reserved. During my years, in secondary school I was accustomed to the behaviour of my community, and how violent and degrading they would be. I got in touch with my friend again If you attend a Sikh camp, Yoga session, listen to Gurbani, attend a Sadhana or fall in love with Sikh philosophy and you feel that Sikhism is your way of connecting to God, then you are a Sikh! Are there any converts to Islam from Sikhism? - Quora If you want to follow this path Waheguru will surely bless you to guide you into the right way no matter where you live. Convert to Sikhism | WaheguruNet My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.\r\rI know many muslims will get defensive about my analysis but if they look at it objectively they will see the 7th century political temporal man made laws are not adhered to by majority of muslims beacuse the world has moved on, women want just as many rights as men do. equal disputing the fact what religion they were. In fact be extra special to your partner. Introduction to Convert to Sikhism. Whether the person who wakes up to Islams evil decides to join some more peaceful and decent religion or no longer believes in a God at all, leaving that vile, murderous creed, Islam, which has brought so much misery to the human race, is the right thing for all people to do.

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